Wednesday, November 28, 2018

English 11

Students were told to write an insulting letter to someone who irks them.  In this letter, they must explain what the person does that is so irksome.  They must give three reasons why this behaviour is so vexing and use three insults.  They should try to end their letter with a little curse, if possible, before signing it.

This is intended as a lighthearted assignment, so students must not make the subjects of their insults identifiable unless they have express permission from their subjects to do so.  If the students are writing about a teacher, no names or identifiable information can be given, either.

Students need to try to incorporates at least five of the vocabulary words into their letters.

The vocabulary quiz will be on Wednesday, Dec. 5th.

Today, in Period 1, we read I, ii.  Answer the questions on that act.
In Period 2, we read I, ii-iii.  Answer the questions on those acts (except for the final two questions on I, iii).